Our second tour was a longer version of yesterday's. We walked further, about 2.5 hours. The weather was perfect! But it was too hot when we were walking. I took my jacket off, and walked in my long T-shirt. Sun was quite strong -- I put sunscreen loation on my face but forgot to do so on my arms. It was amazing how quickly they got tunned. The scenery was beautiful. There were so many other parts of mountains that we haven't been to.

This is the end of walking, where we had lunch. The left part is where we were qbout to decend.

Decending was a lot of fun! It was not too steep, and the snow was very soft. It was by the way amazing how much I feel comfortable decending these slopes. If this were the beginning of the season, I would have been scared and not been able to decend. But now I felt very comfortable, not scared at all, and even enjoyed the run! Also thinking about sweaty 2.5 hours of hiking, I did not want to screw my ride. I really wanted to enjoy the ride... which I did and I was quite happy!

Again, the last part of the decend was not so good. The snow has been melted so quickly so I had to walk down.

The day was beautiful. We had beer at the end and the sun was still high. We went back to the camping site (which was only 3 minutes away from the starting point)! and enjoyed the evining.

For those who want to see the car...